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Track your collections like you track your pizza

Fortress OS
Collections Tracker

Automate your collections process and track every step of the collections process through a state of the art, customized API with Hunter Warfield. It’s like having a pizza tracker for your collections! Streamline your property management with clear insights into all prior resident accounts. 

Property Setting: Toggle automated collections on or off and set the number of days post-FAS before sending accounts to Hunter Warfield. It’s like setting the perfect baking time for your pizza!

Collections Tracker: Monitor and engage with a customer’s collection journey. Think of it as watching your pizza move through the kitchen, into the oven, and out for delivery.

Automated API Pull: Seamlessly send accounts ready for collections to Hunter Warfield with all the necessary info. It’s as smooth as placing an online order and tracking every step until it’s at your door.

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Workflow Options

Manual Workflow

The Fortress Collections Tracker can be used manually, meaning without a Hunter Warfield integration and/or contract. To do this, leave the property setting for “Collections” in the off setting and your team may manually send accounts to collections and flag them as “sent to collections” in the tracker.

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Automated Workflow

 The Fortress Collections Tracker really shines when you (1) set up a property management company level account with Hunter Warfield and (2) turn the property setting for “Collections” on for each individual property.

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It's easy to switch from your current PMS to FORTRESS

Once we receive the green light, you can simply relax and witness the transformation of your operations. We diligently handle the transfer of all your resident and property data and get your properties online. So, lean back, take a deep breath, and savor the experience of elevated operational efficiency.

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